The Strategic Plan for the Economic Future in Ashdod 2040

The Challenge
In recent years, Ashdod has been dealing with a phenomenon of “professionalization” in its industrial and transportation sectors that reduces employment diversity in the city. At the same time, young locals are leaving the city. Despite this, Ashdod is experiencing growth in the number of its residents, which is expected to increase significantly in the coming years as part of urban renewal processes and a broad “Roof agreement” (an agreement between the State of Israel and local authorities to expand the production of apartments and providing the complementary public infrastructure). These trends present the municipality with the need to strengthen the economic-municipal base, and to significantly increase employment diversity in the city.
Our Role
Our task was to map the economic challenges of the city and the municipality, to identify opportunities and barriers, and to define quantitative economic tasks and goals to improve the city’s situation in light of its challenges – all in coordination with other areas led by the other consultants and in cooperation with the various municipal bodies.
The process included mapping the existing situation, meetings with a dedicated team from within the municipality, consultation with various entities and other consultants, and formulating alternatives for advancing economic goals while receiving inspiration for strategic plans promoted around the world. After formulating an integrative picture in regard to all spheres of concern, we formulated key plans of action that the municipality could advance in the short, medium, and long term.
The Impact
- The results of the current assessment enabled the municipality to clearly identify the challenges and barriers it faces, even before formulating directions for specific
- Creating focused plans, while examining the situation in an integrative manner, made it possible to prioritize next steps that would lead to the desired results.
- The data gathered throughout the process constitutes a knowledge base for monitoring and assessing the performance of the city and the municipality.